transmediale 2018

transmediale 2018 | Politics of Forgetfulness

transmediale 2018 | The Many Faces of Fascism

transmediale 2018 | Extracting (Hi)Stories of Complicity

transmediale 2018 | Capturing the Face of Finance

transmediale 2018 | Biased Futures

transmediale 2018 | The Weaponization of Language

transmediale 2018 | Derivative Living

transmediale 2018 | Unmasking Cyberwar

transmediale 2018 | Confronting Social Cybernetics

transmediale 2018 face value

transmediale 2018 | Better Think Twice: Subcultures, Alt-s, and the Politics of Transgression

transmediale 2018 | Unpacking Country of the Sea: From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf

transmediale 2018 | Stop Making Money: Valuation and Non-Monetary Utopias

SKALAR Art Exhibition - TRANSMEDIALE 2018, Berlin

Turmoil Excess - CTM/transmediale - Vorspiel 2018

transmediale 2016 | Keynote Conversation: Anxious to Act

Festival trailer transmediale 2015

Wir Sind Zeitz | Interview mit Silvio Klawonn | Transmedial

Wir Sind Zeitz | Interview mit Dr. Holger Kunde | Transmedial

Wir Sind Zeitz | Interview mit Dr. Markus Lorenz | Transmedial

Leben und Wohnen in Zeitz - Mein Zuhause | TRANSMEDIAL

Kill All Normies: Incel and the online culture wars

Presentation by Matteo Pasquinelli and discussion – Devices of Affective Surveillance

In 6 Minuten erklärt: Was ist Transzendentale Meditation? Was sagen Meditierende und Wissenschaft?